During the inauguration of the Barisu Kannada Dim Dimava Cultural Festival in New Delhi on Saturday evening, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi spoke about the unique blend of Tradition and Technology that characterizes the “New India.” According to Mr. Modi, the country is simultaneously progressing with development and heritage, and advancing with progress and traditions.
Designing for comfort and convenience: Smart homes for aging in place
As the population ages, there is a growing need for smart home technology that can make aging in place more comfortable and convenient. Smart homes designed for aging in place can improve the quality of life for seniors by making it easier for them to navigate their homes, communicate with loved ones and caregivers, and manage their health and wellness.
Revolutionizing transportation: electric ride-sharing powered by AI
The transportation industry has undergone significant changes in recent years, with the advent of ride-sharing services such as Uber and Lyft. These services have transformed the way people travel, making it more convenient and affordable than ever before. However, the next step in this evolution is to make ride-sharing more sustainable and eco-friendly. This is where electric ride-sharing powered by AI comes in.