The Indian state of Madhya Pradesh is currently hosting the Divya Kala Mela, an event that showcases the products and craftsmanship of Divyang entrepreneurs and artisans from across the country. The fair will be inaugurated by Governor Mangubhai Patel, Union Minister for Social Justice and Empowerment Dr. Virender Kumar, and Minister of State Kumari Pratima Bhowmick.
Women-Led Development: Empowering Women for National Progress and Economic Growth
Women’s empowerment is an important issue for national progress and economic growth. Empowering women means giving them equal opportunities to participate in the social, political, and economic spheres of society. Women-led development refers to an approach that prioritizes the participation of women in the development process.
Empowering Women Entrepreneurs: Lessons from India’s Credit Landscape
India’s startup ecosystem is seeing a significant contribution from women, who are responsible for launching approximately 15% of all such ventures. Access to credit, which has been one of the biggest hurdles for women entrepreneurs, seems to be improving.
From Self-Employment to Infrastructure Development: How India is Creating Jobs
In a video message delivered at a Rojgar Mela in Gandhinagar, Gujarat, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced that the Government is working on a comprehensive plan to create both direct and indirect employment opportunities throughout the country.
The 3D printing revolution: transforming industries and unlocking innovation
3D printing, also known as additive manufacturing, has been growing in popularity and has become a prominent technology in many industries. 3D printing involves the process of creating a three-dimensional object by layering materials on top of each other, based on a digital model.