Today, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi dedicated the new campus of IIT Dharwad to the nation, which was developed at a cost of Rs 850 crore. Additionally, he inaugurated the world’s longest railway platform at Hubballi station and dedicated the electrification of the Hospete-Hubballi-Tinaighat section and upgraded Hosapete station projects.
Positive impact
Creating a greener tomorrow: Sustainable tourism practices for environmental conservation
Tourism has been one of the fastest-growing industries in the world, with millions of people travelling to different destinations every year. However, this rapid growth has come at a cost. The environmental impact of tourism is significant, with increased carbon emissions, pollution, and damage to natural habitats.
Brightening the future: the impact of LED lighting
LED lighting is a revolutionary technology that has transformed the way we light our homes, businesses, and public spaces. The adoption of LED lighting has been a key factor in reducing energy consumption and carbon emissions, making it an important tool in the fight against climate change.
Powering a sustainable future: the rise of solar panels and wind turbines
The development of solar panels and wind turbines in the 20th century has had a significant impact on the energy sector. In the past, fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and gas were the primary sources of energy. However, the increasing demand for energy coupled with the rising concerns about the environmental impact of fossil fuels has led to the development of renewable energy sources such as solar and wind.
Blind teacher’s vision for a better world: inspiring acts of kindness
A School teacher Mohammed Musthafa PT can’t see, but blindness doesn’t come in the way of either his teaching or vision for impoverished students who look to him for education, guidance and succor.
The man who remained unmarried for the love of trees
A man from West Champaran, Patna, has taken a Bhishma pratigya (austere vow) to remain unmarried out of his sheer love for nature so that he could devote his full time to planting more saplings and protecting the grown-up trees from the woodcutters.